четверг, 2 января 2020 г.


The theme is Nickelodeon. Log in to your RCTgo account Not a member? I really like it! Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Now it looks ugly and is off putting. I really like what you've done so far, but it just really lacks the details that the other NU park has. Retrieved 22 November

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I probably can't post pictures of the park, since I'll be using some track recreations I obtained from ride sharing sites, but I'm curious if anyone has any ideas for rides in a Nickelodeon themed park also if anyone knows where I can find some custom scenery like the slime fountain from the former Nickelodeon Studios Orlando, that's an appreciated bonus.

It also has the Spongebob Squarepants: Flat rides, roller coasters, water rides, etc. But just one thing I have to say from reading your signiture. Can't handle your critizism? This is really cool. Was not aware of the Minnesota one.

Fairly Odd Coaster (Nickelodeon Universe)

I hope so, I'm a big fan of Nikelodean. I plan on adding on to the building eventually It makes everything look too cramped. About the Danny Phantom ride Today I have the first pics of the new Nickelodeon Nicjelodeon Do you know what I mean?

The building is one huge white box The entrance looks nice however and the inside is one huge jumbled mess.

Are you still working on this? I'm not trying to create an architectural masterpiece here just a building to fit around the park.

The same day as the KCA ! Well I'll post so you won't get flagged for double posting.

Nickelodeon Universe [Archive] - Atari Forums

After I show more univwrse the inside its really more organized than it looks and it kind of has to be a little jumbled to fit in the building and not only have like 4 rides How can I shape the outside different?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Maybe glass and some different level add on buildings will mkae it look nicer. I hope this looks better in the future I love your cool nick store.

Another is just the building the whole park sits in. But it doesn't look like you have much more leftover room inside it. Openind day for Nick U is March This park looks amazing and i like the colors of it, are you doing park because you was on vacation and you went to Uuniverse park, because if you are this is going to be amazing. And as also mentioned, the only ones out there are portables on the European fair circuit.

I would suggest using setbacks and bushes, maybe even windows, to make the outside look better. But still, can't you do anything to make the outside one huge white square. It was so bizarre to be spinning backwards while the ride base travelled forwards, and the airtime was crazy.

This article needs additional citations for verification. Retrieved from " https: I said i nickelodekn mind the entrance, which is what i assume you mean by the billboards and stuff. This article about an amusement ride or roller coaster is a stub. Do you see the billboards, roofs, patio, tables, railings, and things over the windows?

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