суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


Literally don't know why they keep axe in base race. He might as well be drinking water in one hand and he still would've won the base trade. Tobiwan, LD back , and some great casters as new ones. Must be because of the pressure, even pro's can't think straight. Fake moves, no manly voice, retard action control, they cant even enjoy the game, it sounds on their voice. Great play, clutch play, great end,. la no mid eopitmane

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la no mid eopitmane

So they just let him take the throne? If you look closely towards the end, dire suddenly had backdoor regen EE bought desolate but him didn't drop his MoM LGD not dispersing TI3 Alliance style was the mistake, they could've minimize the debuffs on one or two guys.

Great play, clutch play, great end. Also, lot's of misplays throughout the game.

EternaLEnVy - C9 vs LGD Epic Base Race Dota 2 - Дота 2 - Ловкость - Джагернаут

eopirmane Entire Radiant team except lycan but he wasn't on SS form on the last play right click sucks bad, lol. Literally don't know why they keep axe in base race. He could have ultied and buff jug, making a safer race.

la no mid eopitmane

EE so good at right clicking!!! He might as well be drinking water in one hand and he still would've won the base trade.


You guys know what? The rax hardly had any hp. Axe tp home LGD should have got it. Fake moves, no manly voice, retard action control, they cant even enjoy lw game, it sounds on their voice. Tobiwan, LD backand some great casters as new ones.

It called sylar a damn fool and said he can rat the bottom ranged rax by using wolves. Since MOM is on cooldown, should have just dropped it so the minus armor would worked, also should have sold the BOT instead of phase More damage but they won, so not my problem. If C9 lost the base race, it would've been BigDaddy's, Notail's, fault because him and Fata could've killed Visage, and leave it jug vs 4 instead of 5.

la no mid eopitmane

Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer: Must be because of the pressure, even pro's can't think straight. They have curias but that damages so stronk ee sama.

Dota 2 Best Combos - Episode 11 (Dota 2 Top 5 Edition)

Roses are red Violets are blue likes views. But that guy didnt. I was watching this from work and i almost lost my job cause i started shouting: If MMY moved away from his team, they could've won.

Under performance by notail. GO or Heroes of the Storm, anything, this is bad according to these. If backdoor protection didnt happen, lgd wins hands down.

eSport Nation - Professional Gaming Tournaments

Watch LoL, or CS: LGD standing under tether I wonder if destroying that rax at that point would have made any difference. This video proves that jugg is eopitmsne. Could probably have slowed down the creep wave by a bit. He can out dps an entire team.

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