среда, 15 января 2020 г.


On the Key5 is already set alarm function. This function will activated when the configuration will be written into device. Authorized Sms Number List By default device is sending: When the time for waiting request will be reached device starts call to second phone number in the list. Call Function Quick-Start user manual version 1. teltonika gh3000 software

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When the time for waiting request will be reached device starts call to second phone number in the list.

Teltonika GH3000 User Manual

In softare if you wish to have more information, please read the concise user manual. A-gps Function Quick-Start user manual version 1. Page 21 Quick-Start user manual version 1. Comments to this Manuals Your Name: To avoid mechanical damages, it is advisable teltonikq carry the equipment in a blow-proof package.

Device Characteristics Quick-Start user manual version 1. Authorized Sms Number List By default device is sending: This function will activated when the configuration will be written into device. Table Of Contents Quick-Start user manual version 1.

Teltonika GH - Supported GPS Trackers - Navixy

Only approved batteries, chargers and supplements supplied by Teltonika should be used with this device. Quick Configuration Quick-Start user manual version 1. List of supported maps The program is designed in a way that it will detect a digital map or maps if they are installed. Change Keyboard Settings Quick-Start user manual version 1. If the angle change more gh300 45 deg.

Using software you will be able to set up A-GPS data update timer. End call button Turn device on and off, cancel call.

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Gn3000 function A Geofence is an area set up with invisible boundaries to monitor movement of your assets. Charging The Battery Cable Notice! Message indentification word Op: Print page 1 Print document 39 pages.

Page 4 Quick-Start user manual version 1. Change Gprs Settings Quick-Start user manual version 1.

teltonika gh3000 software

Logging interval before s after s 5. Therefore, if you want the device to be fully operational, the PIN Code must be either removed by using a Mobile Phone, if available.

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LED indicators Indicates the status of device. Device will inform you about movement into and out of an area by special SMS message. High temperature may reduce the life time of the electronic parts or damage the batteries and deform or melt some plastic parts.

Battery life time Do not keep the device in high temperatures.

Teltonika tracker is GPS tracking device supported by tracking system and software.

By using other sorts of batteries, chargers and supplements you risk to be deprived of all guaranties and it may also be dangerous for you and your environment. Call Function Quick-Start user manual version 1. Battery Notification Quick-Start user manual version 1. Its moving and electronic parts may be damaged. When the Alarm function was activated device starts searching its location all the time.

Battery Life Time Quick-Start user manual version 1.

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